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thank you for your patience while we construct this site to replace our very old one whose site platform is being retired.


Sonoma Coast Watch : 
Assist in monitoring our marine and estuary environment and wildlife to help promote a healthy ecosystem and recreational safety.

Our Projects:
Sonoma HAB Watch: Tracking Harmful Algal Blooms:

See the most up to date test results at HAB Map: Includes our stations.

In cooperation with our California Department of Health Services,  CenCOOS and  NOAA, we are assisting in establishing a network of coastal stations to monitor Marine Algal/Plankton Blooms along our Sonoma County Coast.  These blooms at times contain organisms that are toxic for marine mammals to ingest or that my cause eye irritation to swimmers and surfers.  They are also associated with the normal seasonal quarantines for human consumption of clams and mussels consumption.

Volunteer Activities:
Water Sampling For Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)
Measuring Water Temperature and Salinity
Recording Wind Speeds and Tidal Conditions
Learn Zooplankton & Phytoplankton Identification
Track Seasonal Bioluminescent Dinoflagellates
Report Injured, Sick or Deceased Wildlife
Monitor Bioluminescent Phytoplanton Blooms: Grow Your Own!
Assist with Community Education

Monitoring Station Links
California Water Temperature and Chlorophyll Production Maps
Monterey Bay Monitoring Stations: Present Data
California Harmful Algal Bloom Station Map: Includes our Station
Ocean Surface Currents: Present Data
Coming Soon: Sonoma Coast Monitoring Stations: Present Data

HAB Information Links
Vision of the West Coast HAB Network  pdf
Phytoplankton Identification
Algal Bloom Dynamics
Harmful Algal Blooms: Volunteer Resource Site
Curious about the recent abalone die off?
Cal-PreEMPT: Program completed.

Current and Future Projects:

Tracking Tides, Wave Patterns & River Flow into our Coastal Estuary:
Studying fluctuations in river mouth formation that offset tide chart and river flow predictions as related to both changes in wildlife habitat and recreational safety precautions.

Recreational Boating Map: Create a standard recreational kayak and canoe access map and precaution chart for the most common tidal and river flow conditions and river mouth formations influencing our Coastal Estuary as well as river ratings and launch sites for the Russian River.

Assist In Creating Local Field Guides:
Identifying Native and Invasive Species
Estuary and Sonoma Coast Flora
Wildlife of the Sonoma Coast State Park
Insect Guide to the Sonoma Coast

Marine Mammals, Pinnepeds and Cetations: Statistics & Information
Help Track Seals, Sea Lions, Whales, Porpoises and Dolphins
Whale Identification and Statistics
Mammal Iidentification within the Russian River Watershed: Otter, Mink, Muskrat, Badger, Bob Cat, Gray Fox, Mountain Lion, Bear, Wild Boar, Deer, Rabbit...and much more.

In Cooperation with the Marine Mammal Center and .....
Marine Mammal Identification and Statistics
Marine Mammal Rescue and Research Training

Debris Identification & Statistics
As part of the "Living Classrooms Project" and in cooperation with the Sonoma Coast State Park Marine Debris Monitoring Program

                   We Volunteer For Annual Cleanups!  Join Us!

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